von , über "Surf & Fon-Flat 100" von M-net , am um 10:56 Uhr

A lot of lying from their side

A lot of lying from their side.
Before I made a contract I asked how long will it take from time I send them my contract until I get an internet connection. They said "up to 3 weeks". It is currently 4th week already and we are not even on 50% of getting internet. Apperantly they still need to send me a router, arrange a technician to come 1st time, arrange a technician to come 2nd time and then it should be done. Talking to their customer service is nothing better. They told me that they will contact some team for ONT configuration and then I will get a callback in the next 2h. Of course I didn't get any callback. I called them day after and solution is just "to be patient" even though I must work from home... This is not good at all, I have such a negative feedback even before getting my internet!!!
Why couldn't they say "It could take up to 20 weeks" and then I would know not to choose them.

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